Pictures of Roberts
“Roberts” is a surname particularly common in the north of Wales. deriving from the Saxon/Norman given name Robert, meaning “bright fame” – from the Germanic elements “hrod” meaning fame and “beraht” meaning bright. Although the name was known in England before the Norman Conquest in 1066, it was mainly introduced into England by the Normans.
I have recently come to learn that my Roberts line came from the Bruce or “de Bruce” clan in Scotland. Adam de Brus, came to England around 1050 from Normandy. (It is believed that their surname is derived from “Brus”, Brix in modern-day Northwestern France.) He settled in Scotland due to his heritage from the earls of Orkney, Shetland, Gathanes, and Sutherland. When William the Conqueror invaded in 1066, he joined him and for his service was granted the barony of Skelton and the lordship of Cleveland in Northeast England. His son was Robert de Brus I, known as “Robert the Rook”. Robert was granted the first lordship of Anandale, Scotland, by his friend, King David Fitzmalcolm of Scotland. (Kind David was the grandson of the King Duncan made famous in Shakepeare’s, “MacBeth”.) This title and land was passed to his son, Robert II, when they took opposing sides on a war over land in Northern England. It is through Robert II’s line that the eventual King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce, 7th to hold that name, (Although some say he was the 8th) proceeded. After the war, Robert I and his son Adam settled on their lands in Northeast England.
William de Bruce left Anandale, Scotland, to settle in Kent, England, around 1103. (Family tradition is that he had a disagreement with King David’s father King Malcolm.) He took on the surname “Rokehurste” or “Rookhurst” in honor of their ancestor, Robert the Rook. His lands there also took on this name, which literally means, “hill of the rook”. His grandson Stephen later took on the surname of “Roberts” instead.
The first of our line to come to the US is believed to be James Roberts, who was born in Deal, Kent, England in 1724 and married Elizabeth Mumbray there on December 27, 1748. James was the son of Sir Richard Roberts II, 1692-1747.(Richard’s info is at Richard married Catherine Beech on Oct. 10, 1721, in Deal, Kent, England.
James and his family came to Virginia sometime before 1767, when their son Cornelius married Mary Helen Benton in Orange County, Virginia. Some records show Cornelius being born in Halifax, VA, in 1749. James was one of the founders of Pittsylvania County, VA, and was my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather. In addition to Cornelius, they had 1 daughter, Mary Polly Roberts, and 3 other sons, Abner, Isaac, and William. William was my great, great, great, great, great grandfather and one of the founders of Lee County, Virginia.
My family, Sorrento, FL, Christmas 2008. L-R: Adam, Tracy, Nathan, me, Lily, Ashley.

The family at our wedding, Tampa, FL, 06/30/2002, (Front, l-r) Billie (Moneyhan) Patton, Angie (Patton) Arruda, Ashley Griffin, Tracy (Patton) Roberts, Jeff Roberts, Foyster Roberts, Evelyn Roberts, Gwen Roberts, (Back, l-r) Brad Arruda, Adam Bryan, Bill Patton, Lynette (Morris) Brosch, Amy Brosch, Glenn Brosch.

Mom & Dad’s 50th anniversary. They renewed their vows at Duck Creek Baptist Church in Sneedville, TN. l-r are my stepdaughter Ashley, my wife Tracy, my sister Gwen, Mom, Dad, my stepson Adam, and myself. Lily was present, but was not born till a couple of months later.

My dad, Foyster W. Roberts. He was a Private-First Class in the 7th Corps, U.S. Army during the Korean War.

My uncle, Lawrence Roberts. He was my Dad’s oldest brother and they were close. When grandpa Roberts passed away, he basically became the father in the family. He served as a tail gunner during World War II.

Some of the Roberts women, 1959. (Back, l-r) Lawrence’s wife Nell, Thelma Roberts, (Front, l-r) Willard’s wife Madge, Bauer (Roberts) Johnson, Rita Roberts, Foyster’s wife Evelyn, Gwen Roberts, Claude’s wife Lois.

Some of the Roberts children in 1959. (l-r) Foyster’s daughter, Gwen, Lawrence’s son & daughter, David & Sharon, Bauer’s daughters, Beatrice & Rita.

My grandma, Esta Mae (Wallen) Roberts. She was a Godly woman who practically raised 7 boys and 2 girls by herself, since grandpa died at a young age.

Uncle Ed sitting in front of Fisher Exxon, the store/gas station that he and his wife Nola ran for many years. It was on Route 70 in Blackwater about 1/2 mile from the Post Office. It’s location made it a popular hangout and allowed Ed & Nola to meet many interesting people, including distant Roberts relatives from Oklahoma, North Carolina, and South Carolina. It also allowed him to meet the father of Bluegrass music, Bill Monroe. The 2 became friends as a result.

My dad, Foyster Roberts, looking at one of grandpa Roberts’ old doubletrees with uncle Ed Roberts & his daughter, Suzie.

(l-r) Grandpa Claude Baker, uncle Ed Roberts, my mother Evelyn (Baker) Roberts, my cousin Suzie Roberts, aunt Nola (Hurley) Roberts.

(l-r) Fred Tankersley, Tom Carpenter, David Roberts, Dwaine Roberts, Sharon (Roberts) Tankersley at Paul & Betty Roberts’ house in Bean Station, TN, in 1984.

My cousin Dwaine Roberts and me. (I’m on the left) Dwaine is uncle Lawrence’s youngest child. This photo was taken in 1984.

David Roberts and his brother-in-law, Fred Tankersley in 1984. David is the oldest child of uncle Lawrence Roberts.

Although they aren’t of the Roberts’ bloodline, dad referred to Clay & Lilly Jones as his “adopted parents”. So I had to include them on this page. They put our family up many times during visits and Lilly could put out quite a spread of home-cooked food. Here they are being silly, acting like they are entering an outhouse together.

My wonderful father, Foyster W. Roberts, 07/17/1928-09/05/2010. You couldn’t have met a better example of a Christian man or father. He worked 50 years at GM, many of those years while working a second job at a service station, to provide for his family. He took care of an invalid son for 20 years, not complaining once. He was a Korean War veteran. He was a Sunday school teacher, Elder, Deacon, and song leader at churches in Dayton, Ohio, and Sneedville, Tennessee. He also was a Master Mason, although he was not active in his later years.

The Roberts family in the early 1960s. (l-r) Greggy, Foyster, Evelyn, Gwen. Greggy had Cerebral Palsy as a result of a birth injury and had to be cared for like a small child for his 20 year lifetime. He loved church and southern gospel music.

3 generations of Roberts men, taken @2 months before dad’s death. (l-r) Me, Nathan, dad. Notice that even though sick, dad is smiling and having a happy cellphone conversation with his pastor, Kestor Bunch. You rarely heard dad complain.

My grandfather, Fredrick Holmes Roberts. He passed away from an illness when my father was only 11. He was known for his strength and his temper. He was also known for his fruit trees. Although he didn’t typically attend church, I’m told that local preachers used his pruning practices as an example in their sermons.

My grandfather’s siblings: Based on their ages, I’m guessing that back row, left to right are Wirt (Gregory) Roberts, Virgie (Morgan) Roberts, and Nancie (Quillen) Roberts. The boys in front are Edd, Bascum and Elbert (“Sug”) Roberts

My great, grandfather, Elbert S. Roberts. He taught at the old Blackwater schoolhouse located on the ridge behind Sarepta Church on Route 70 in Blackwater. He also was a school teacher and principal at the old Blackwater school house on Route 604 in Blackwater. His contemporaries such as Amos Robinette told my uncle Paul Roberts that Elbert was, “one of the finest educators in the country”. Elbert was a member of the Dunkard (German Baptist) Brethren’s Church in Blackwater. He was a serious man that tolerated no foolishness from his family or students. When he began teaching, he had to deal with older boys that had run off the previous teachers. At that time, all ages were taught in the same room. Elbert showed up with a bat, and the boys learned to behave. By the end of that year, he had taught the students to each bow to him as they left school at the end of the day.
The Zion Quartet at the Virginia State Singing Convention: (l-r) Jim Osborne(Tenor), Olonie Helton(Bass), Jackie Brown Osborne(Alto), Foyster Roberts(Lead)

IN my mothers ancestry the line goes back to Ruben Roberts (1744-1841) and Mary (Asher) Roberts.
I, too, am a descendant of Revolutionary soldier Reuben Roberts and Mary “Polly” Asher as well as “Long Hunter” Elisha Wallen/Walling & wife Mary Blevens. Your family story of Roberts is interesting.
Would you happen to know of a Robert Roberts that went by the name bob, He was born in johnson County, TN Abt. 1905 or 1906. and He married a Pearl Neely, From Johnson County, TN. I am tracing my family history and the roberts side I’ve had the most hardest time with. all I know of is that My grandmother was a roberts, Her name was Gloria Dean Roberts(married Junior Turnmire) Her Father was Hal Or Howard Eugene Roberts(Born Johnson County and went by “Gene”), He was born 1930 or 1933, and married Mary Madeline Hamm(From Konnarock/Damascus, VA) and His dad was Bob Roberts, but his name was actually Robert Roberts. He married Pearl Neely, She was daughter to Clinton William Neely and Frances Elizabeth Waters. Clinton and Frances lived and Died in Johnson County, TN. But what I am having problems with is finding Robert”Bob” Roberts Parents. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, and this is a very wonderful site you’ve put together. I hope to do the same when my research is complete
I can go back to Wm Roberts born in Va 1765 married to Catherine Rogers
believe Wm Sr born 1730 married Elizabeth Wallen
wow that was very interesting . brought back alot of memories .
This was great to see. I did not know this existed. Thanks
Thank You Jeff, for doing all this. I certainly have enjoyed it. I have had a lot of reminising over the past years. I love you and an so very prowd and thankful, you are my son.
I have a large Roberts book, which begins with William Roberts and wife
Catherine Rogers Roberts. I am always glad to hear from anyone interested
in that family. I would like to know for sure about generations prior to
William and Catherine. I love the old pictures.
Hi my name is Carol Roberts, my dad is Charles Roberts his dad is Roy Roberts his dad is Isaac Roberts I go back to Richard Roberts and further the coxswain of the Lifeboat in deal England I see that you have a book of the Roberts family and I would like to know the name and how I might be able to get a copy thank you so much
My greatgreat grandfather was William Roberts b.1800 .He married Margaret Ann Wilhiet b. 1807 around 1820 in Campbell,Tennessee. They moved to Miss and are on the 1845 tax roll there then they moved to Ala. then back to Ms where William died before 1860 bc Margaret is on the census roll with the three younger children. I am having no luck finding his parents or where he was born. Some children say Tn other say Ky. If you can help I would appreciate it.
Still searching for my William Roberts b. 1800 Campbell Co. Tenn.
This is my family line
Robert Shannon Roberts sr
Stanley Odell Roberts
George Washington Roberts
Daniel Webster Roberts
Alexander “buck” Roberts
Daniel Roberts
Cornelius Roberts
James Roberts
Richard Roberts jr
Richard Roberts sr
John Roberts
Thomas Roberts jr
Thomas Roberts sr
Sir Walter Roberts
John Roberts” baron”
Stephen Roberts
Lord Stephen rookehurst Roberts
William Roberts of Ireland
This is all I have but I do believe that we are cousins far down the tree line.
Hi Amanda, I’m Nicola and my family have been looking for info about the Roberts family from deal. My grandmothers father / grandfather was Richard Roberts lifeboat coxswain of north downs in deal kent. His father had the rose and crown pub on middle street as did, I think, his father too.
Richard Roberts also had a brother, john. I am very intersed to know whether Richard Roberts sr. 1660-1693 is part of the same Roberts family. I’d love and very much appreciate any info you have.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, I am also descended from Richard Roberts 1839-1933, the celebrated lifeboatman, His daughter Frances Mary Roberts was my 2x great grandmother. Unfortunately due to the death of my grandmother’s mother in childbirth, she (my grandmother) never got a chance to know anyone from this part of our family, so i have been hunting for her, it would be great to hear back from you, as i was sure that my family were the only living descendants of Richard. By the way I have done quite a lot of research into Richard, and from census’s and obituaries that go into quite a bit of detail, i can’t find any actual link to the Rose and Crown pub, apart from a brief paragraph on the dover archives, from the census, there seems to be no evidence of this what so ever…
Hi Amanda. I recently was advised that the “William Roberts of Ireland” in your line would have actually been from Scotland and a member of the De Bruce family. What I was told is that he moved to Kent, England, and changed his last name to “Rookehurst” (translated as “Rook’s Hill”) in honor of Robert “The Rook” De Bruce. This is an ancestor of the eventual King of Scotland, Robert the Bruce. His son Stephen reportedly changed his surname from “Rookehust” to “Roberts” in honor of the same ancestor.
“THE MANOR OF GLASSENBURY is of considerable note, the mansion of which is situated near three miles north-west from the church. This seat was for many generations the residence of the antient family of Rokehurst, the first of whom, who settled in this county, was William Rookehurst, alias Roberts, a gentleman of Scotland, of the shire of Anandale, who, leaving his native country, came to the adjoining parish of Goudhurst in the 3d year of king Henry I. and then purchased lands at Winchett hill there, where he built a mansion for his residence; which lands were afterwards named from him, the lands and denne of Rookehurst, which name it still retains, and there is a tablet put up over a tomb in the south chancel of this church, giving an account of him and his posterity, who bore for their arms, Azure, on a chevron, argent, three miles, sable. This family continued at Goudhurst for 274 years, till, in the reign of king Richard II. Stephen Roberts, alias Rookehurst, marrying Joane, daughter and heir of William Tilley, esq. of Glassenbury, whose ancestors had resided here, as appeared by private evidences, from the time of king Edward I.”
Another interesting site:
“Rookhurst originated in the eleventh century, shortly after the Battle of Hastings, when William, son of Robert “The Rook”, moved from the Annandale region on the England/Scotland border to Kent. He built a manor on Winchett Hill which he called Rookhurst. His son began using the surname Roberts.
About 250 years later, in the thirteenth century, Stephen Roberts married Joan Tyllye, the heiress of Glassenbury, which was a short distance from Rookhurst. They built a new moated manor which they also called Glassenbury just down the valley from her childhood home.
My ancestors remained at Glassenbury for another 250 years. In 1623, Thomas Roberts arrived in America with William Hilton. He settled in what is now the Dover area of New Hampshire.
My family remained within 50 miles of this area for another 250 years, until my great-grandfather went first to Iowa, then his son to Oklahoma.
When we retired to Arkansas, we decided to call our farm Rookhurst.”
I have came across this page looking back at my family tree and this is the best I can tell so far. My father is Ira Roberts, his father is Hanford Roberts, then Joseph Roberts, then Gordon Roberts, then Joseph Roberts, then Cornelius Roberts, then James Roberts Sr., then Cornelius Alexander Roberts, Col, James Archibald Roberts Sr., Richard Roberts II, Richard Roberts I, John Roberts (1552)
Hello very distant relatives!
My name is Aimee and Cornelius is my 5x great grandfather through his son James. I love the site and wanted to add a bit of information on Cornelius that I have found. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
Cornelius “Neal” Roberts who was born between 1746 and 1749 probably in what is now Henry County, Virginia and died in 1788 at Black Mountain, Lee Co., Virginia. Cornelius married Mary (Benton?) and had a total of 12 children, including James Roberts Sr, 6 boys and 6 girls. Documents show that he held up to 768 acres in Pittsylvania Co., VA (now Henry) during the late 1760’s. In 1769 or 1770 he moved westward to present day Grayson Co., VA where eight of his children were born. He obtained 400 acres “by settlement” in 1772.
Problems with the Indians were relatively few in this part of the frontier until around 1773 when several brutal Indian attacks took place with retaliation by the whites which resulted in what became known as “Lord Dunmore’s War”. In 1774 Governor Dunmore ordered a thousand men from the south and an equal number from the north to march on the Shawnee Indians at Point Pleasant at the confluence of the Kanawha and the Ohio Rivers. On October 10, 1774 the “Long Knives” dealt a complete defeat to Chief Cornstalk and his Shawnee warriors with heavy losses on both sides.
Cornelius Roberts along with other Roberts were members of Captain Looney’s Company along with the legendary Daniel Boone and his son Israel Boone. They marched north over 160 miles across the the rugged mountains in nineteen days to confront the Indians. Cornelius was paid 2 pounds, 3 shillings, 6 pence for twenty-nine days.
Records show that Cornelius and James Roberts fought against the British in the American Revolution in the Elk Creek militia in 1780 where he served under Lieutenant Isham Wright and Captain Charles Morgan. However, he was also accused of being a British sympathizer and taking part in Loyalist activities, although from the following it is assumed that there was no evidence; The Montgomery Co., VA Court Order Book, Nov. 8, 1780, “Ordered that William Roberts (brother of Cornelius?), Neal Roberts…..(et al)……be restored their property again, it being lately taken from them by the Militia of Montgomery and Washington Counties, as nothing appears against them with Regard of their being Enemies to the State.” also “On hearing the Petition of James Roberts….et al ….. it is the opinion of the Court that the said Petitioners be received as members of the Community so long as they behave as good Citizens, but the Court does not believe itself properly authorized to grant pardon for offenses against Individuals”. From this it is assumed that James Roberts (Cornelius brother? or father?) was proved to be a British sympathizer and taking part in Loyalist activities but that his land was to be returned and no further penaltys incurred so long as they “behaved as good citizens”.
The 1782 and 1787 Montgomery County, VA Land Tax List shows Cornelius with 150 acres, however in 1783 he likely moved to Washington County (now Russell County) where 352 acres were surveyed on his behalf on Cedar Creek which flows south from the Clinch River. The actual grant for the land was not made to Cornelius Roberts until May of 1787. An additional 260 acres was surveyed in 1785 and he received it June of 1787 as a Right of Settlement Land Grant.
Cornelius Roberts was killed and scalped by Indians in June of 1788 on Black Mountain, in the extreme western corner of Virginia near the border with Kentucky, when he and a small party were digging for Ginseng roots. Following is an extract from a letter written to the Governor of Virginia in 1788; “…..savages have lately killed 16 persons on the French Broad, and that the news had reached them (authors of the letter) of 80 Indians being on their way against the Holston and Clinch. ….. the Cherokees had joined the Creeks, which combination no force the people could raise to resist. Three men had been killed on the Black Mountain ……. That men who had gone to the Black Mountain to dig ginseng had found a camp when one of the Elimes (Elams) and three of the Breedings of New Garden, and Neal Roberts, had been about the same employment, several of whom lay killed and scalped. The Cherokees evidently bent on war, and unless means are taken at once to protect that county, great suffering and disaster must follow soon.”
And from the Annals of Southwest Virginia 1746-1786 — Washington County by Lewis Preston Summers pg. 422 “……….and in the month of June 1788 four men were killed in Russell county and three men were killed and scalped on the Black Mountain. One of the Elmires, three of the Breedings and Neal Roberts, from the New Garden settlements in Russell County were found on Black mountain, killed and scalped.”
There is a Roberts family tradition that the Cherokee Chief Robert Benje was the leader of the band that killed Cornelius Roberts and his party. Further tradition states that Cornelius’ son hunted down and killed Chief Benje in 1794. It is not known if Robert Benje was in fact involved in the deaths on Black Mountain but Robert Benje was killed by Vincent Hobbs.
However, records from the Cherokee agency in Tennessee state: “Names of persons who were present and acting in the killing of two Cherokees on or about the 24th January 1813 in the Cherokee nation. The names of the Cherokees who were killed were Dick Benge a half Blood Cherokee and a Cherokee named Jacket………..Daniel Roberts……” This record shows that Cornelius’ son was involved in the killing of the son of Chief Robert Benje.
I have been trying to find the ancestor of my, John T. Roberts. B. 1779 in S.C. and lived with an family member, William Roberts after his father died, in Grayson Co., My DNAis showing matches to Amelia Roberts and Corneilus Roberts. Does anyone one know about the sons of James a or have any idea where my John T. is connected?
Hi Bonnie: I am a descendant from William Roberts ( 1770-1838) of Grayson county Virginia. I do have Williams’s father listed as John Roberts ( B1730 Cork Ireland – D1808 Surry County NC)
Here is a great article that chronicles some of the Roberts history in Grayson County Virginia. Let me know how else I may be of assistance. Thanks !
Hi Stephen,
I have found that the line for my John T. (Turner) is not through the Irish line as is shown on a lot of lines that have mistakenly not done any research to prove that line. Through my and 4 other DNA Roberts cousins we have been getting hint that take us to Shadrach Roberts and Catherine Turner being our John T.’s family.
I also am connected through DNA Hints to a Henry Brooks/Rachel Frost line to Cornelius/Mary and their daughter Amilia. so this is getting us somewhere. Now I am trying to find the correct father To Rev. John Frost who married Mary Benton Roberts. Any help would be appreciated. I also have spoken to a Roberts DNA Project person who feels that Shadrach is also connected to William and Cornelius through DNA as Cornelius and William have shown to be. We are waiting to see if a Direct line Male Roberts will be will to test for verification to Shadrach’s line.
Thanks Again,
Hi Bonnie,
My mother-in-law is Joan Roberts Erno born, 1941 San Fernando, California… I do not have much of her info but I do know that her father, Earl Roberts, was a descendant of Cornelius Roberts per some records that Earl had done in searching his ancestry prior to his death several years ago. Joan and her father were not close, sadly, so I only have a few copies of the Cornelius Roberts story from Earl’s widow which she mailed me years ago. My husband, Jeffrey Raymond Evans has done a 23 and me dna kit… would that help for the direct line Male Roberts? This is all new to me and I find it all so very fascinating…
As a side note and fascinating to us all in our family: It is well documented that Cornelius Roberts and Daniel Boone were close friends… Forward generations later to my husband growing up in Southern California in the 1970’s and he became the best of friends with a boy who lived around the block from him, Mike Freude, (Grandmother Ina Gillis) who is a direct descendant of Daniel Boone’s. I find this so interesting that generations later and far from where the Roberts/Boone friendship began, their bond seems to have traveled through the generations, as Mike is still my husband Jeff’s closest friend. (We actually met at Mike’s wedding 30 years ago.)
we are roberts from corbin ky
Thank you so much for putting this together. There are pics on here that I haven’t seen for some time. The years sure do pass by quickly.
Thanks, again.
I am part of the Owens and Morgan family of Elkhorn City, Ky., looking for information on John Farmer and Tabitha Kee married Grayson Co., Va., 1821. Many of these names such as the Roberts, Elam’s, Morgan’s are all related indirectly, but not ever run into anyone who can give information about this part of the line in the 1820’s. John Farmer ended up living and dying in Russell County, Va and his wife, son Burdine and another child lived there, having many other children after moving into that county. Word has it that these 2 early children may not have been Farmer children. If you have any information, I would much appreciate. I love the entire article because it clears up much of the inner dynamics missing when you just research people and dates. Cindy Owens at
We have a common ancestor in Cornelius Roberts. I would appreciate it if you would send me an email at I have some pictures I would like to share with you that I expect you will find a bit uncanny. Despite the distance of our common ancestor, there is a remarkable family resemblance in some of our respective family members.
I am interested in the John Farmer and Tobitha Kee connection We are related through the Morgan, Adkins, Roberts, Farmers, Sloan, Rowe, Vanover’s families that go way back into the tree including Cornelius Roberts. Please let me know if you have any connections for me.
Thanks. Cindy Crossgrove Owens at
My family is from Marshall, NC (Madison County). I’ve only gone back to 1792, William Roberts buried in Crooked Ridge Cemetery beside his son Evan (also spelled Ivin in census records), and Evan’s son Amos J Roberts, my gg grandfather. My name is Kelly Roberts.
Wow, just came across this page, very well done. Have just started researching the grandparents of my 2 sons. Grandparents Robbins/Quillen. Maternal side Quillen leads to Elbert Sidney Roberts, via Nancy Anna Roberts whose parents were Elbert S Roberts and Nancie Anna Willis. Would appreciated further discussion, photos or history.
By any stroke of luck would you have a picture of Nancy Ann Willis/Roberts and Elbert S Roberts. I have seen the one of Elbert. You have done a lot of work on your family tree website
Hi my name is Clarence imam a descendent of Isaac the son of Cornelius I live close to Elk Creek Va if anyone like to see some pictures where Cornelius settled please e-mail me at I would like if anyone has information how Cornelius got to America when he left Kent England Thanks Clarence
I would appreciate anything about the parent of my Greatfather, Joel Roberts (b Oct-1863,d May 3,1941)who married Persada Louvenia Joiner, Feb 27, 1885.
I have found his death cerificate identifying his mother as Rebbeca, father unknown. He is buied at Warner Cemetery in Jonesville. I have been unable to find anything in the available censes.
Has anyone ran across this name in doing their search??
I have some history of Joel Roberts and Persada Louvenia Joyner. They were kin to me. (423)288-6957, will share data.
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone might have the address for the Roberts family cemetery in Blackwater, VA. My grandmother, Bessie (Roberts) Wallen, is buried there, and I remember visiting as a child, but have no recollection of how to get there. I have been searching everywhere! I found a Find a Grave comment that said it was off SR-70, 10 miles south of Jonesville, VA at foot of Powell Mt, near a group of houses across the road from the Collingsworth Cemetery, but I am sure I will still get lost looking for it. My grandmother was married to Elmer Wallen, and I believe she had siblings named Pearl and Hagan who I also met when I was very young. Any help on finding the cemetery would be greatly appreciated. I have had her on my mind a lot lately.
Hi Lisa. The only Roberts cemetery that I know of is just past the intersection of 604 (AJ Osborne Highway) and 603. If you’re coming from Jonesville, you would continue around to the right on 603 rather than turning left on 604. It will be a dirt path on your right. I have not been up to it, but my understanding is that it’s a rough path up to the cemetery. So, you may want to take a truck or 4-wheel drive vehicle. Here are some directions that I found at
Roberts Family Cemetery
Directions: From Jonesville on SR-70, turn left on 604 (A. J. Osborne Highway), veer right at a Y intersection on to SR-603 (Carter Cave Road). Drive about 0.3 miles to the entrance on the right.
GPS Coordinates: N36?37.684’ W083?01.476’
I have been to a Roberts cemetery in Blackwater, where some of my mother’s people are buried. I once went with my mother and two of her brothers to clean off the cemetery grounds. It is close to the old farm house that was built by Daniel Roberts and has been lived in by his descendants. There were some Collingsworth homes around there, so this might be the one you are talking about. I should think that some of the locals could show you where the cemetery is, no problem. But I feel sure it is grown up again, since we cleaned it off. Time and trees wait for noone. We had a good time that day at the cemetery. My mother is gone now. She was Ova Marie Roberts, died as Ova White.
interesting! I am working on ancestry now. All these names mentioned are listed in my findings. My father Thurman Charles’ father is Thurman Roberts. His Dad John, His Dad Josiah, his Dad Sterling, his dad David, his dad Jessee, and HIS dad was Cornelius Neal. They are all born/died central Kentucky until Jessie ^^, from VA. I’ve followed this line back to Sir Lord Stephen Rookehurst Roberts* 1370–1440 Kent, England but no further.
I have read several of the posts and all have been very interesting. I am a descendant of Jesse Roberts of Clay County, Ky. I also have been told that Jesse and Cornelius are linked by DNA. I have a Cornelius Roberts circle on Ancestry. I also am on Gedmatch #A280149. dianeburnsbrads. I am also descended from John “Renta” Baker, Long Hunter. He settled finally in Clay County, Ky., as did many of his children. I grew up in Germantown, Ohio and lived in the Englewood area and now I live part-time in Dayton and part-time in our Va. retirement home, 50 miles from Roanoke. I noted that another commenter mentioned a family resemblance. A couple of the older Roberts men looked so much like my uncle. I had a similar experience with a 3rd cousin of Roberts origin whom I had never met before. When we met him at the airport, my husband and I were stunned with how much he looked like the same uncle that I just mentioned. If you still live in Dayton, perhaps we could meet some time and compare notes. I can see that you have done an immense amount of research!
Hi Diane. I moved to the Orlando area in 1998. But, I would love to see a picture of your uncle. My kit number is B90586 on FTDNA. I plan to do the Y-37 DNA test on FTDNA soon. Perhaps we’ll see our DNA links then.
I am not a Roberts, but I thought I would weigh in on behalf of the Illinois Roberts’. My Great Grandmother was
Dorothy Roberts (IL)>
William Henry Roberts (IL)>
John Roberts (KY)>
James Roberts (VA)>
William Robert Roberts (VA)>
William Roberts (VA)>
James Roberts (Kent, Eng).
I am beginning the process of digging backwards in my family history and it seems as though the Blackwater/Jonesville is my stopping point right now. My grandfather is Charles Mack Roberts b.1911 (married to Eunice Mary Robinson). His mother and father are unknown to my family, but I do recall my grandmother mentioning to me several times that she was driving him back to the “homeplace” in the 1980’s–meaning Blackwater/Jonesville, VA. I think his father was an Andy Roberts and I am not sure of his mother. His father was killed around 1914 in a mill accident (I believe it was a sawmill). Any help or any links to my grandfather would be helpful and appreciated.
Brian, I was reading the above about Charles Mack Roberts being your grandfather. He had two wives, one being Eunice. Charles Mack Roberts’ father was Andrew L. Roberts and his mother was Flora (not Flara) McPherson. I am pretty close kin of these people. Andrew L. Roberts was my grandfather’s brother (William Jessee Roberts). That makes Andrew my Great Uncle. I have a printed book I will send you if you will let me have your address. Also, I could send you my book as a WORD document if I had your e-mail address. My book has the history of Andrew L. Roberts’ other children. I used to work with Nelda Roberts, daughter of Charles Mack Roberts, when I was at Eastman Chemical here in Kingsport. We were both in the Kodel Division. She married a man from the Kodel Division. Nelda is now deceased. I hope all this makes sense to you. I hope to hear from you. There will be no charge for a copy of the book.
I also just discovered his mother was Flara.
I am wondering about Mary Polly Roberts; she may be the Polly Roberts who married my ancestor Reuben Morgan. Do you have any more information on her? I have the names of their 12 children, including Nancy Ann Morgan, from whom I am descended.
I have a puzzling connection with Cornelius Robert’s daughter Amelia and her son Snowing Frost and another Robert’s family, Shadrach Roberts and Katherine Turner and the Boone Family. I received the results of Y-DNA testing on my Ancestor John Turner Roberts b. 1779 in VA/N.C. Most people had him with the Roberts from Robert’s Cove/Elk’s Creek but this was incorrect as the test matched him with Shadrach and Katherine from Grayson Co./Carroll Co. VA
The interesting part is that tracing back on my Robert’s side from my ancestor Effie Roberts who mother was Fanny Mylar/Miller (Who descended from Boone/Wilcoxson on her father side and on her Mother side Tymandra Brooks, I found traced back to the name Frost who married Amelia Roberts, daughter of Cornelius Roberts.
The husband of Fanny Mylar was Thomas Roberts who traced back to the Shadrach Roberts line. So, 2 Robert’s line who do not match each other DNA wise ended up married in California in the late 1700’s. Both Robert’s families were in the same Counties in VA and N.C.and were connected possibly to the Tories (Turners) at one time and also were connected and travel with the Boone family.
This has been from the beginning a very difficult puzzle to put together…Any comments would be appreciated…
Bonnie Karlyle
Hi ima Carrie Robert’s from saint joseph mo,my great great grandfather Daniel k Roberts born in Kentucky in 1892,and he had a wife Fannie I belive,they had served children moved to eseloior springs mo then to saint joseph missouri well Daniels son Forrest “frosty” Roberts was my great grandfather and his wife grace alberta walls washington township missouri, they had hearold,charles,edward,richard,kenneth,ester,jerry,Donald roberts,they lived at 300 so th 6th street had a filling station on 6th hickory,Edward was in ww2,and a army pv.charles was a marine office,Harlod was too,Jerry Lee Roberts committed suicide in 1993,he has some children in California Kenny roberts,and the twins,Donald was married to Irene and had kids out in California to,Daniel Roberts died in 1975 in Cupertino California and they had ties to a boon if anyone has pictures or could give me some information it would help thank u Carrie coleen roberts Ian 39yr old female Gary dean Roberts is my dad and iam Ella scotts and Edward earnest roberts grandchild
Anyone have information on Tobitha Kee Goins Farmer from Grayson County, then Russell County Va. 1820-1850?? She was born about 1796 and may have been from North Carolina originally. Thanks, Cindy Owens
I too live in the Orlando area. I have traced my Roberts (John Roberts) as having been born in Henry County Kentucky. Would like to know how he got there and any other info. Maybe you can point me in right direction.
Hi Barbara, What John Roberts were you looking for, My Great Grand Father is John Roberts from Henry County Kentucky.
Hi I,am a decedent of Cornelius Roberts I have some pictures of the Roberts family back in England if anyone would like a copy.
Hi Clarence. I wrote a book on 8 generations of Roberts. Going back to Surry Co, NC. Have been trying to connect Cornelius, and William, and John (of Surry County). All connected by DNA. Any information that you can share on their ancestors would be welcome. My email is
Hi Clarence, I am also a descendant of Cornelius Roberts through his son Nathan. I would love any pictures that you have. My email address is
Cornelius Roberts is my 7x grandfather. Looking for any photos I can find. My email is
Hi I’m also a descendant from the Richard Roberts the first in deal Kent England I would love a copy of the pictures you have.
Still interested in anyone researching Tabitha Kee and John Farmer lines from originally Grayson County, then into Russell County, Va.
Hi my name is Carol Roberts, my dad is Charles Roberts his dad is Roy Roberts his dad is Isaac Roberts I go back to Richard Roberts and further the coxswain of the Lifeboat in deal England I see that you have a book of the Roberts family and I would like to know the name and how I might be able to get a copy thank you so much
Selected Roberts Papers from Seven Generations
Charles Stewart Roberts
Still trying to connect John Roberts d 1808 Surry County with Tory Colonel James Roberts and Cornelius and William Roberts.
Would also like proof of the Kent connection.
My name is Robert E. Roberts. My parents are from Grundy County, Tennessee and both of my Maternal and Paternal sides have lived there since the early 1800’s. My 4th Great Grandfather, Isaac Bradford Roberts (1764-1850) was born in Granville County, North Carolina and served as a private in the American Revolution as did his father William Roberts (1745-1799). Isaac became a surveyor for the Memucan Hunt Company and surveyed much of Western Tennessee and parts of Kentucky after the Revolution. His job was to survey vast tracts of land for those who had been given that land by our newly formed government and no doubt benefited greatly himself, as well as the other investors (land speculators) of Hunt & Company.
My issue is that before William, it is difficult to trace this line back early. I have copies of Wills probated in North Carolina and Virigina that indicate, Williams father was Step Roberts (1745-1802) from Henrico, Virginia. His father appears to be Morris Roberts (1677-1724), who died in Henrico, Virginia. But after that the trail is silent. He may have come over to this country from Wales, but there are two Morris Roberts. The one I believe is my 6th or 7th Great Grandfather is not the one whose sons ended up in Pennsylvania.
What is the best way to determine where he came from. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Rob Roberts
CommentMy name is Terry Roberts, DNA connection to Cornelius. My Dad was Jesse Roberts, his Dad was Terril Roberts, His Dad was Woodfin Roberts, his Dad was Daniel Roberts and his Fad was Cornelius Roberts
So has anyone heard of a Richardson Roberts born around 1770 in North Carolina; moved to Tennessee and died sometime around 1850? I am looking for any information on him about his parents or any siblings he might have had.
Has anyone heard of Richardson Roberts? He was born around 1770 in North Carolina, moved to Tennessee and died sometime in or after 1850. I am looking for any information on him about his parents or any siblings he might have had. He was married to a lady named Mary and had a child named John Carolinian Roberts.