Petition to Form Lee County, Va

An act for dividing the county of Russell into two distinct counties.
(Passed October 25th 1792)
Section 1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, that from and after the
thirteenth day of May next, all that part of the county of Russell, which
lies westwardly of a line beginning on the top of Clinch Mountain, one mile
eastwardly of big Maukason gap, thence a direct course to the mouth of Stock
creek, thence up the same to Powell’s mountain, thence due north to the
Kentucky boundary, shall form one distinct county, and be called and known
by the name of Lee; and the residue of the said county, shall retain the
name of Russell.
Section 2. A court for the said county of Lee, shall be held by the
justices thereof on the second Tuesday in every month, after the same shall
take place, in like manner as is provided by law for other counties, and
shall be by their commissions directed.
Section 3. The justices to be named in the commission of the peace for the
said county of Lee, shall meet at the house of Issac Chrisman in the said
county, upon the first court day after the said county shall take place, and
having taken the oaths prescribed by law, and administered the oath of
office to, and taken bond of the sheriff according to law, proceed to
appoint and qualify a clerk, and fix upon a place for holding courts in the
said county, at, or as near the centre thereof as the situation and
convenience will admit, and thenceforth the said court shall proceed to
erect the necessary public buildings at such place, and until such buildings
be completed, to appoint any place for holding courts as they shall think
proper. Provided always that the appointment of a place for holding courts,
and of a clerk, shall not be made unless a majority of the justices of the
said county be present; where such majority shall have been prevented from
attending by bad weather, or their being at the time out of the county, in
such case the appointment shall be postponed until some court day when a
majority shall be present.
Section 4. Provided also, and be it further enacted, that it shall be
lawful for the sheriff of the county of Russell, to collect and make
distress for any public dues and officers’ fees remaining unpaid by the
inhabitants thereof at the time the said county of Lee shall take place, and
shall be accountable for the same, in like manner as if this act had not
been made.
Section 5. The governor, with advice of the council, shall appoint a
person to be first sheriff of the said county, who shall continue in office
during the term, and upon the same conditions as are by law prescribed for
other sheriffs.
Section 6. The court of the said county of Russell shall have jurisdiction
of all actions and suits which shall be depending before them when the said
county of Lee takes place, and shall try and determine the same, and award
execution thereon.
Section 7. In all future elections of a senator, the said county of Lee
shall be of the same districts as the said county of Russell.
To the Honourable the General Assembly of Virginia.
The petition of the inhabitants of that part of the county of Russell
settled in Powells Valley.
Ther’eth: That the County of Russell is in extent from the East toward the
West, at least One hundred and fifty Miles, That the Courthouse of siad
County is situated within about forty Miles of the Eastern extremity of
consequence the Inhabitants Westwardly has upwards of one hundred Miles to
travel to attend Court: Added to this inconvenience twenty Miles of the way
is a Wilderness frequently dangerous to travel through on account of the
Indian Enemy.
That we believe it would contribute much to our prosperity were we indulged
with a division of said County it would contribute to Order and Improvements
of various kinds; Encourage the introduction of near Settlers; and of course
our strength to oppose our Enemy in time of an Invasion.
From these considerations your Petitioners pray: That a new County may be
erected, in that part of Russell County lying Westwardly of a line beginning
on the top of Clinch Mountain one Mile Eastwardly of Big Maukason Gap thence
in a direct course to the mouth of Stock Creek thence up the same to Powells
Mountain and thece due North to the Kentucky boundary.
And your Petitioners shall ever Pray
George Gibson
David Cullum
Nate Smith
Don Martin
Issac Mullen
Joseph M. Farland
George Collums
John cox
Abraham Rife
Geo. Hatfield
John Ward
James Alley
Joseph Campbell
David Wheeler
Jeremiah Lewis
Rolly Gray
John Heck
Elisha Wallen
William Wallen
Thomas Walen
Willoboy Lewis
James Arbuckle
Isaac Chrisman
Randal Noe
David Noe
Gabe Crisman
James Noe
McJannis Poteet
Danier Hobbs Jun. (Daniel Hobbs)
Disciss Hobbs Sgnt. (Vincent Hobbs Sr.)
Bemium Hobs (Benjamin Hobbs)
Absolem Hobbs
James Filharson (James Fulkerson)
William Darnell
Jno. Overton Jun.
James Sims
J.D. Hamstead
Stephen Thompson
Jno. Roach
J.W. Williams
John Martin
Jonathon Bissham
Robert Dannell (Robert Darnell)
John Martin
Francos Browning
Francis Write, Jun.
Francis Rite Seg.
Joseph Poteet Jun.
Samuel Poteet
John Noe Segnt.
Daniel Young
Frederick Jones
James Whittaker
James Quinley Jun.
Edward Ozborn Jun.
Nicholas Young
Henry Hamblen
Frank Hamblen
Arch Daniel
William Ewing
Joseph Panter
Manuel Ewing
Josh Ewing
John Owens York
Alexander Scott
John Hunter
Henry Lewis Seg.
Richard Davis
James Ward
William Mink
James Johnson
Drury Lawson
John Chadwell
Joseph Johnston
David Colson
George Shelton
Joseph Hatfield
Andrew Smith
Jeremiah Hatfield
Ephraim Hatfield
Thomas Flanary
James Campbell
John Cambell
Robert Butcher
Samuel Adams
Thos. Johnston Jun.
Joseph Davis
Jno. Handy Sgn.
Jno Handy Jun.
Joseph Blackmore Segnt.
Thomas Blackmore
Joseph Blackmore Jun.
Jeremiah Crutchfield
John Tretell
Lewis Tretell
Thos. Tretell
James Roberts
Drury Hall
Absalom Livesay
Thos. Rogers Junr.
John Hoover
Robert Howard
George Yalkins
John Vaanbibber
William Hobbs
*William Blanton
*John Blanton Senr.(5th Grgrandfather)
*John Blanton Jur.
James Fugate
Homer O. Chrisman
Charles Noe
James Trotter
James Burgin
George Trehill
Jacob Lewis Senr.
Jacob Lewis Junr.
James Lewis
Quillen Noe
John Miller
Samuel Howard
John Hoover Junr.
Henry Hoover
Ralph Hall
John Wallen
Wm. Roberts Senr.
Wm. Robert Junr.
William Roberts
Stephen Hall
Thos. Rogers Senr.
Dan Z. Rogers Senr.
Dan Z. Rogers Junr.
William Engram
George Herd
Obadiah Pain
Cager Bunch
Israel Bunch
Andrew Cope
Mathew Wallen
Philip Hanks
Job Hobbs
*William Blanton Junr.
Christopher Hobbs
*George Blanton (4th grgrandfather)
James Mayfield
James Vanbibber
Stephen Jones
Sumuel Conn
Justus Cocke Senr.
Justus Cocke Junr.
Jacob Cocke
Nathaniel Hines
John Noe Junr.
John Jones
Moses Ball Segn.
John Ball
David Yeary
James Huff
Samuel Thurston
Jno. Hamblen
Joseph Doherty
William Yeary
James Alley
Hartwell Martin
Nat Bevahouse
Jeremiah Lewis
Thomas Crabtree
Man Smith
Isaac Mullen
William Simsby
Alexander Stuart
Andrew Demoss
Danl. Callams
Elizah Callams
George Callams
Gilbert Callams
James Callams
Jno. Collins
Harry Hoskins
Jno. Hoskins
King Hoskins
Henry Colson
George Ball Segnt.
George Yeary
Enos Smith
Wm. Cope
Shotwell Martin
Josiah Cox
John Campbell
William Waxtise
Walson Cox
William King
James Johnson
David Chadwell
George Abett
George Ball
David Bledsoe Cjar.
Cpclle, John Gibson
Joseph Franks
David Hargraves
Thomas Mcnight
James Arven
Autrey Mcnight
William Martin
W.L. Wilcocks
Jno. Willcocks
William Willcocks Segr.
William Williams
William Willcocks Jnr.
Josiah Willcocks
John Turner
John Bond
These names have been rendered as faithfully from a copy of the original as
possible. However, it is possible that mistakes have been made in the
spelling of the names.
Transcribed by Bashie W. Kinkaid of Rose Hill, VA.
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It states that the petition was passed on October 25th 1792, but when was it presented to the Assembly?
According to wikipedia, it was formed in 1793.,_Virginia. It also says 1793 on page 28 of